Borderlands Wiki

White Rider is a legendary submachine gun in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands manufactured by Dahlia.
The Shadowfire can be obtained from any suitable loot source during the Chaos Chamber runs.

Special Weapon Effects[]

Putrefy, rot, spoil and fester. – Always poison.
Primary firing mode: +200% Damage Charge the White Rider to fire a continuous laser beam that attaches to an enemy, continuously dealing Poison Damage.
Secondary firing mode: -20% Damage The White Rider's laser beam can chain to 2 nearby enemies and doesn't need to be charged up.

Usage & Description[]


  • Patch 04.14.2022: Single Beam Mode damage -11.8%.


  • The flavor text quotes a pre-fight taunt from enemy boss "Uber Elder" in the game Path of Exile.