“Look out, everybody, things are about to get awesome!”
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“ | They say the two happiest days of a ship owner's life are the day they buy a ship, and the day they discover a Vault Key fragment.
— In-game description
” |
Voracious Canopy is a location on Eden-6 in Borderlands 3.
Common Enemies[]
Notable Enemies[]
Main Missions[]
Side Missions[]
- Rumble in the Jungle
- Kill Maxitrillion
Crew Challenges
Points of Interest[]
The Green Labyrinth[]
Science Outpost[]
Wreck of the Family Jewel[]
The Wreck of The Family Jewel is a wrecked battleship that was the capital ship of the first generation of the Jakobs corporation. How is wrecked was due to poor navigation issues betweent 2 AI's GenIVIV and BALEX.
Outer Hull[]
Cargo Hold[]
Distribution Corridor[]
Security Bay[]
Private Shuttle Bay[]
Bridge of the Jewel[]
Kingdom of Bobo The Great[]
The Terradome[]
- Title given by the game is "Deep Jungle".