Borderlands Wiki

Violent Tapestry is a tier 1 passive skill in Amara's Mystical Assault skill tree. This skill allows Amara to gain stacks of Rush when inflicting status effects. Activating her Action Skill consumes all Rush stacks, and her chance of inflicting status effects is increased for every stack consumed for a short time.


  • Max Rush Stacks: 10
  • Status Effect Chance: +0.6% per stack consumed per rank
  • Duration: 20 seconds

Rank 1 2 3 4 5
Status Effect Chance
(per stack)
+0.6% +1.2% +1.8% +2.4% +3.0%


Amara need not apply different elements of status effects to increase Rush stacks. Sustained fire on a single enemy with an elemental weapon will add Rush stacks as the effect is re-applied. Therefore, with just 1 point in this skill, Amara's ability to generate Rush stacks is greatly increased.

Amara skills
Brawl Mystical Assault Fist of the Elements Enlightened Force

Alacrity • Ascendant • Avatar • Awakening • Deliverance • Do Harm • Fast Hand(s) • From Rest • Laid Bare • Remnant • Restless • Reverberation • Soul Sap • Stillness of Mind • Tandava • Transcend • Violent Tapestry • Wrath
