Borderlands Wiki
Only through plastic combat will our fates be decided.
Vaultlanders Amara vs Zane

Amara vs. Zane

Vaultlanders is a minigame in New Tales from the Borderlands.


Vaultlanders is an in-universe tabletop miniature game played 1v1 with collectible figures of characters from the Borderlands series. Combat is represented by quick time events. Figures come in multiple rarities and can be found hidden throughout the story or as prizes for winning in battles against the Badass Superfan.

Vaultlanders Figures[]


There are 20 Vaultlanders figures to collect in New Tales from the Borderlands. (16 in the base game, 4 extra figures through unique methods.)

Character Rarity Atk. Def. Special Ability Description Acquired
Amara Uncommon 5 2 Extends opponent stun time. The rags to riches Siren. Started at the bottom, now she's here... to Phaseslam you. Episode 1
Axton Rare 3 3 Deals constant damage over time. A "commando" both in combat, and that he refuses to wear underpants. Retweet @GearboxOfficial[1]
Brick Rare 4 4 Failed dodges deal damage. How is Brick so big? Meat. So much meat. And pilates. So much pilates. Episode 4
Claptrap Common 1 1 WARNING: DO NOT USE! Hyperion's general-purpose robot. Non-stop talker, overenthusiastic. Not annoying at all! Episode 1
Ellie Epic 3 5 Attacks stronger after a successful dodge chain. Ellie has forgotten more about scrap metal than you'll ever learn. Ending related; possibly bugged
Fiona Legendary 4 2 Chance to deal critical damage on normal attacks. Puts the "artist" in "con-artist". Always has something up her sleeve. Hint: it's a gun. Ending related; possibly bugged
FL4K Uncommon 4 3 Bonus damage to stunned opponents. The only Beastmaster with an "emotional support" Spiderant. Pre-order bonus[2]
Handsome Jack Legendary 5 3 Attacked less frequently. Career resume: Evil President of Hyperion. Evil Dictator of Pandora. Evil AI. Trouble staying dead. Episode 5
HOT Loader Uncommon 3 2 Deals high damage over time and takes more damage. Loves jazz, long walks on the beach, and FLAMING HOT GOBS OF GOO! SHiFT code[3]
Krieg Epic 5 2 Attacks faster. You know that little voice you hear in your head sometimes? Yeah, that's his sanity. Episode 5
Lilith Legendary 5 2 Dodges are easier. Without a doubt, the most powerful ginger in the universe. Complete the game for the first time.
Maya Epic 3 3 Heals HP over time. Only knows two dance moves: "The Siren Shuffle" and "The Phasepop-and-Lock." Episode 4
Moze Uncommon 2 5 Takes reduced damage. Once pulled over for drinking and driving her fifteen-ton militarized mech. Episode 4
Mordecai Rare 4 2 Deals more critical damage. Do his goggles look dumb? Yes, but YOU try playing with a mutant killer bird. Episode 4
Phuong Legendary 4 3 Increases time to dodge attacks. Sassy lab assistant. Somehow bribed manufacturer to make her a Vaultlander. Episode 1
Roland Epic 3 3 Chance to block damage. Honorably discharged from Crimson Lance. Dishonorably discharged from Burger Barn. Episode 3
Salvador Rare 4 2 Consecutive hits deal increased damage. Allowed to wield two guns. Not allowed on rollercoasters. Connect a ShiFT account to a Borderlands game or a Wonderlands game.
Vasquez Rare 4 1 Drains life from opponent. First rule of the corporate world: Never. Trust. The Beard. Episode 3
Zane Uncommon 3 2 Chance to succeed a failed dodge. World class mercenary who'll do anything for money. Except take a bath. Episode 2
Zer0 Rare 5 1 Successful dodges deal damage. Sometimes, when a robot Mommy and a ninja Daddy love each other, you get Zer0. Finish Episode 5 with 80% or more Skateboard score

Introduced in Debt or Alive[]

The concept of Vaultlanders was utilized in the Borderlands novel Dept or Alive, with several more being introduced.

Character Description
Claptrap Features a volume knob that goes up but not down. May or may not be the same as the version seen in New Tales from the Borderlands.
Gaige Gaige herself criticizes how it came out.
Typhon DeLeon Only a handful ever produced. A new-in-box yet soiled example sells for $10 billion. Push a button and it says "Lotta money in turds!"


