Borderlands Wiki

Ties that Bind is a tier 4 Action Skill in Amara's Fist of the Elements skill tree. This skill Phasegrasps a target for a short time, and enemies near the Phasegrasped target are linked. When a linked target takes damage, a portion of that damage is inflicted on other linked targets.


  • Phasegrasp Duration: 7 seconds
  • Cooldown: 18 seconds
  • Linked Damage: 35% of damage dealt
  • Grasp Immune Damage: varies with character level


  • Amara's action skill element modifies damage dealt to linked enemies. For example, in normal mode damage dealt to linked flesh enemies will be multiplied by x0.8 with shock (default) and by x1.5 with incendiary (with Soulfire).

Amara skills
Brawl Mystical Assault Fist of the Elements Enlightened Force