Borderlands Wiki

Very cool. I just learned about something new, QR and alternate barcodes. I had noticed these throughout the game and didn't think there was a way to decode them. To my surprise there are a couple of free decoder apps for the iphone, so if I see any more of these in game I'll be prepared to decode them! DLanyon 10:00, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

  • Once I found these, I started paying much more attention to the walls and bulletin boards. Four of them decoded pretty easy for me, but all the software I tried (including software on my phone) refused to decode the "Marcus..." one. I had to resort, much like the writer of the linked-to-blog, of recreating the barcode pixel by pixel. Hopefully additional DLC will include more QR Codes -- I didn't see any in the Zombie DLC. --GargoyleMT 14:22, December 12, 2009 (UTC)

Found One!

I came across one in Sir Hammerlock's DLC, but I don't have means to capture a picture that would be worth posting. It's on the paper in the cubby of his end table next to his chair, in toward the back. Perhaps someone with a PC copy of the game would be able to accommodate? WhackyGordon (talk) 08:03, January 19, 2013 (UTC)

Oh, I forgot to mention - it's in Hunter's Grotto in the lodge. WhackyGordon (talk) 08:04, January 19, 2013 (UTC)
