Borderlands Wiki
Borderlands Wiki

This is an Iron Man reference. In the first movie (before he's captured) he shows off a missile system called the Jericho that acts just like the gun and says the line of red text. AndyYagami (talk) 00:16, September 23, 2019 (UTC)

Anti-material rifle[]

Y know. this kind or Rocket launchers are pretty much an anti-tank rifles. I mean the magazine, the barrel. I wonder if there's a some kind of in-game distinction to these.

zadymek (talk) 10:12, November 2, 2019 (UTC)

Non-elemental Version[]

I randomly found a version of this that spawned with no elemental capacitor...  this seems to be really rare as I've found 3 others that were all radiation.  Shame it's such a low level, it would be interesting to see if the capacitor lowers the damage as much as most other guns and how much damage it would do at level 50 without one. 

The non-elemental version:

Jericho No Capacitor

An anointed level 50 for fun:

Jericho Anointed

Double Penetrating Boloney Poney (talk) 05:39, November 15, 2019 (UTC)