Borderlands Wiki
For the unique shotgun in Borderlands 2, see SWORDSPLOSION!!!.

Swordsplosion is a legendary shotgun in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands manufactured by Torgue. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from LeChance located in Wargtooth Shallows.

Special Weapon Effects[]

Your sword is the sword that will pierce the heavens! – Fires Ghost Blades that explode on impact dealing Splash Damage.
In Sticky firing mode, the Swords stick into a target, dealing +30% Damage for each stuck Sword. The stuck Swords explode when reloading, switching Modes/Weapons or after 10s.

Usage & Description[]


  • Hotfix 05.05.2022:
    +17.6% & +14% damage, +194% fire rate, +150% projectile speed,
    the Swordsplosion now spawns with at least one foregrip part.


  • The flavor text is a reference to a quote from the character Simon in the 2007 anime Gurren Lagann: "This drill is the drill that will pierce the heavens!"