Borderlands Wiki

Strip, Tribute of Southern Shelf is a respawnable badass-class enemy fought in The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler.


Strip, Tribute of Southern Shelf is one of the tributes alongside Flay representing Southern Shelf in Torgue's "Hunger for Violence Extravaganza" and is paid to kill the Vault Hunter during the mission The Hunger Pangs during the Wattle Gobbler boss fight.



  • Strip, Tribute of Southern Shelf prefers medium range, using her custom saw blade launcher to hit the Vault Hunter.
  • Her attacks include:
    • Shooting horizontal saw blades out of her arm mounted saw blade launcher
    • Taunt that shoots 3 saw blades in quick succession
    • Punch with launcher at melee range
    • Jump punch at melee range


  • As with all the female tributes, she has no voice lines.