Borderlands Wiki

Steady is a tier 3 skill in Axton's Gunpowder skill tree. It reduces Axton's recoil with all weapon types and increases grenade damage and rocket Launcher damage.


  • Recoil Reduction: +8% per level
  • Grenade Damage: +5% per level
  • Rocket Launcher Damage: +4% per level
Level 1 2 3 4 5
Recoil Reduction +8% +16% +24% +32% +40%
Grenade Damage +5% +10% +15% +20% +25%
Rocket Damage +4% +8% +12% +16% +20%
Level 6 7 8 9 10 11
Recoil Reduction +48% +56% +64% +72% +80% +88%
Grenade Damage +30% +35% +40% +45% +50% +55%
Rocket Damage +24% +28% +32% +36% +40% +44%

Can only be leveled past 5 with Grenadier and Gunner class mods.


  • As with Axton's other skills and Class Mods that boost "Grenade damage", Steady will boost the bonus explosive damage dealt by Torgue gyrojet projectiles. In combination with other Grenade Damage boosts as well as Gun Damage boosts (that increase the direct hit damage), Torgue gyrojet weapons can become very powerful in Axton's hands.
  • Steady increases the damage inflicted by Tediore reloads for weapons other than rocket launchers.

Axton skills
Sabre Turret
Guerrilla Gunpowder Survival

Battlefront • Do or Die • Duty Calls • Expertise • Impact • Longbow Turret • Metal Storm • Nuke • Overload • Ranger • Steady
