Borderlands Wiki

Slagga is a legendary submachine gun manufactured by Bandit. Slagga is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Tector & Jimbo Hodunk located in The Dust. It also has an increased chance to drop from the Handsome Dragon in Hatred's Shadow within the Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep DLC.

Special Weapon Effects

blagaga – Always Slag element. Fires 3 slag projectiles with reduced damage per shot at a cost of one SMG ammo. High chance to slag.

Usage & Description

The Slagga is a versatile and effective weapon, with moderate accuracy, but able to unleash a high number of projectiles. With its high Slag chance the Slagga is useful as a "slag & swap" weapon, with its huge magazine size allowing this process to be repeated several times before reloading. However, its damage output is still formidable in its own right, and weaker enemies can be killed outright without the need to swap.

Due to the increased power of slag in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, the Slagga is arguably one of the most useful weapons for it. Even if the Vault Hunter wielding it is of a far higher level than the gun, the Slagga will still very reliably slag enemies, making the Slagga one of the most consistent guns in the game when it comes to slagging enemies.




Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapon Slagga and Maggie Location Guide
