Borderlands Wiki

Personal diary recording

Thousand Cuts: Portrait of the Gunzerker as a Young Man

Recording 1

Angel: The team you dispatched to the village Ovejas has returned, sir.

Handsome Jack: No problems, I'm assuming.

Angel: Not quite. They... were unable to secure the village.

Handsome Jack: Woah... run that by me again.

Angel: Only one member of the occupation force made it back alive. He has two broken legs, he lost an arm, and sunstroke seems to have driven him completely insane. But... he keeps saying one name, over and over.

Handsome Jack: Yeah? What name?

Angel: ... Salvador.

Recording 2

Angel: We've got some satellite footage from Ovejas taken shortly before our occupation force arrived.

Handsome Jack: Play it.

Recording Begins

Lizbeth: Kill him!

Dannenbery: I wanna hear his neck snap!

Judge Chavez: Salvador, for the murders of the men know as Bluntcrack, Crow, Friday, and Spitstain you will now be hanged by the neck until dead. Have you last words in your defense?

Salvador: They were bandits. They tried to kill mi abuela.

Judge Chavez: Yes, yes, yes - you have attempted to convince your fellow villagers of this many times. Anything ELSE to say regarding the murder of these men?

Salvador: Uh... it was fun?

Judge Chavez: Come again? Killing those men was fun?

Judge Chavez: What the hell... who are those men?

Hyperion Soldier: Attention, bandits! Your town is now property of the Hyperion corporation! Vacate the premises or we will open fire!

Judge Chavez: Hyperion? Who's Hyperion? This must be some mistake - UH, SIRS? I think you've come to the wrong town! You wan--

Salvador: Everybody get down! NOW!

Recording 3

Recording 4
