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Opulent Wyverns are an extremely rare species of Wyvern and loot enemy found in the Wonderlands .



  • Opulent Wyverns possess both a ward, armor and health bar, they fairly passive, and will only land when the egg they are holding is knocked out or destroyed, usually due to their ward and armor being depleted.
  • Unlike other loot enemies, Opulent Wyverns and Loot Newt Wyverns take damage from all sources.
  • After a short time of appearing, the Wyvern will create a golden portal and disappear, once the Wyvern is on the ground this timer extends for much longer.
  • While flying they will generate and hurl pairs of eggs from their tail that explode leaving a puddle of poison and a chance to spawn a Loot Newt Wyvern. These eggs can be destroyed prematurely. When the egg it is holding is sufficiently damaged, it will fall and act in the same manner as the other eggs, unless it is destroyed in which it will spew out loot.
  • While on the ground their attacks consist of: spitting a purple orb, flapping their wings to deal damage and push back the Fatemaker and continuing to hurl 2 poisonous eggs.


  • Opulent Wyverns are exceedingly rare with 2 spawning in ~1500 Wyvern spawns in Tangledrift.