Borderlands Wiki

Octavio is one of three playable characters in New Tales from the Borderlands, along with his adopted sister Anu and Fran.


Octavio Wallace-Dhar leaves the booksmarts to his older sister, Anu. Everything he needs to know was picked up on the Promethean streets. Always one to leave a lasting impression, Octavio is his own hype man, complete with a state-of-the-art ECHOdex full of black-market apps and hack-ready functionality.


Octavio, a resident of Meridian City on Promethea and wanna-be thief with dreams of corporate success, is caught in the middle when the planet is invaded by Tediore soldiers under the command of Chairwoman Susan Coldwell.

He, his recently fired sister Anu, and his boss Fran find themselves in possession of the vault treasure Tediore is looking for, a green crystal that can heal from a distance and even raise the dead. They attempt to start a company to sell it, only to be captured by Coldwell, who reveals that their crystal is half of a larger relic she has the other piece of. She intends to combine the crystals together to create a superweapon that can torture a person or entire planet into submission by killing and resurrecting them endlessly.

Her plan is thwarted by the player characters, with the ending determined by the choices made throughout the story. In the best ending, Octavio, the other player characters, and their friends start a corporate consulting business, with Rhys, CEO of Atlas and Anu's most recent boss, as one of their clients.

