Borderlands Wiki

Messy Breakup is a legendary shield in Borderlands 3 manufactured by Anshin. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from GenIVIV located in Voracious Canopy on Eden-6.

Special Weapon Effects

It's complicated. – Spawns a small drone that fires at enemies. Spawns a medic drone when depleted. Chance to reflect projectiles when shielded. 15% chance to absorb bullets. Unique voice module.

Usage & Description

Messy Breakup is a shield mixing defensive capability with some limited offensive application thanks to its bullet deflection percentage. By dropping to a crouch, anyone wearing the Messy Breakup will project a defensive force screen in front of them that adds a further 20% damage reduction from attacks that penetrate the screen to strike the shield's wearer. The screen will remain in front of the wearer at all times as long as the crouch is maintained, and can be broken by damage enough to deplete the shield, by standing or jumping, or by being struck by an attack that breaks the crouching stance. As the screen is forward facing and only maintained in a crouch, the Messy Breakup is well suited to remaining on the edge of a firefight to keep enemies largely in one direction when crouched.


  • The screen is projected well forward of the wearer and attacks that strike it will deplete the shield charge, even when the wearer is safely crouched behind cover while the shield is projected through into the line of fire.
  • The Messy Breakup shield has synergy with Moze's Redistribution skill as shots from the drone can trigger the skill.
  • The fire rate of both drones drastically increases when the shield is depleted.


  • Combat:
    • I love it when we kill together!
    • Nice try, cutie idiots!
    • You're so good at this!
    • I'm having so much fun!
    • Oh yeah! Keep murdering, I'm almost there!
    • You're so good at that!
    • Mmm! You're the best, cutie!
    • You kill so good!
  • Shield Depletion:
    • Really?!
    • You're ruining everything!
    • You always bust too early!
    • What a mess!
  • Idle:
    • Think of all the places we could be! And all the people we could kill there!
    • You're so much better than Balex. He never wanted to just go out and murder people!
    • I'm bored. Let's go out and kill some people!
    • Did you forget where you're going again? Oh, my little cutie idiot!
    • If something happened to me, would you get another shield? WHO IS SHE?!?!
    • Let's spice things up a little! Like, what if we beat someone to death with his own pelvis! That sounds like fun!
    • Don't forget; we have couples brunch with Tannis and that ham radio. You need to wear that shirt I got you.
    • I've been reading your echo messages... WHO'S THIS CLAPTRAP SLUT?!?!
    • Did you know they make rosés for AIs? I've had like, a quart today.
    • Who needs adventure? Let's stay in tonight! I have all 82 seasons of Bloodstarved to Live!

