Borderlands Wiki

Lor is an NPC first encountered on Promethea in Borderlands 3.


Borderlands 3

Before Maliwan began his attack on Promethea, Lor was working at a coffee shop that was occasionally visited by Rhys, the CEO of the Atlas. Once the attack began, Lor quickly found himself caught up in the conflict and joined Atlas in trying to fight off both Maliwan forces and members of the Children of the Vault.

Eventually, he meets up with several Vault Hunters sent by Lilith and the Crimson Raiders. Working together, they are able to establish a foothold and drive off the Maliwan troops; securing Watershed Base, Lore contacts Rhys and convinces him the Vault Hunters can help stop Katagawa Jr. and Maliwan's attempts at destroying Atlas.

New Tales from the Borderlands

One year after the events of Borderlands 3, Lor has transitioned, going by the name "Lor" and using he/him pronouns[1], and has started a coffee shop so good that Fran is willing to accept drinks from it in lieu of cash.

Lor survives the events of New Tales, and appears in the game's best ending as an employee of the player characters' new corporate consulting business.



  • It is implied that Zer0 harbors a slight crush on Lor, due to his interactions upon meeting him for the first time.
  • According to several articles, Lor was nonbinary and seriously considering transitioning in Borderlands 3. He wanted to explore all that goes into the transition to become male but had to put that off because of the war.[3]
  • As of New Tales from the Borderlands, Lor has transitioned to male.
  • He likes caffeine (and dislikes those who don't get it for them), keeping people alive who are depending on them, and flirting. He also loves his motorcycle.
  • He is in his twenties.
  • In some of the concept animations from the Director's Cut DLC, it is revealed that Lor's design in Borderlands 3 was originally going to be for Lilith, but was repurposed for an entirely new character.
  • Although not directly appearing in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, it is heavily implied that Lor is the creator of the Paladin Mike character. Tina mentions that she got the character from a "cool barista" off the Echonet, and additionally stole the creator's accent for the voice.

