Insulated is a location-based challenge in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel . To perform this challenge in Regolith Range, Deadlift must be defeated without any Vault Hunter taking damage from an electrified floor. It is worth 10 Badass Rank.
In order to complete this challenge, a character has to not stand on an electrified floor. This can be completed by using the following suggestions:
- Avoid standing on a metallic floor.
- Avoid standing on the floor Deadlift is standing on.
- Abandon a floor if Deadlift is heading towards a generator on the same floor.
- It is possible to kill Deadlift with a sniper rifle before he starts moving around, thereby nullifying the fight and quickly completing this challenge.
- The shock sniper rifle given as a reward for Tales from Elpis can be extremely helpful in ending this fight quickly.