Borderlands Wiki

I'm Ready Already is a tier 3 skill in Salvador's Rampage skill tree. It increases Cooldown Rate for Gunzerking.


Cooldown Rate +5% per level.

Level 1 2 3 4 5
Cooldown Rate +5% +10% +15% +20% +25%
Time (seconds) 40 38.18 36.52 35 33.6


  • All cooldown modifiers are summed together as bonuses in the function T = Base Time / (1 + bonuses), regardless of their source (e.g. skill, relic, mod, and a friendly Siren wearing a Binder class mod).
    • Formula: 42/(1+0.05*N)


  • This skill appears to be incompatible with the Keep It Piping Hot skill from the Gun Lust tree. Putting even one point in I'm Ready Already will disable all bonuses from Keep It Piping Hot as it is not activated after Gunzerking.

Salvador skills
Gun Lust Rampage Brawn