Keeper of the stars, I hope to never find... – Homing grenade that targets the closest enemy and generates an elemental beam to them.
Usage & Description[]
The Hex has 5 possible prefixes: Cloning, MIRV, MIRV-Tacular, Mitosis, and Recurring.
MIRV causes the grenade to split into 3 on impact.
MIRV-Tacular causes the grenade to split into 6 on impact
Cloning causes the grenade to split into 2 shortly after being thrown.
Mitosis causes the grenade to split into 3 shortly after being thrown.
Recurring has the MIRV and Cloning effects.
The recurring version has slightly higher base grenade damage than the MIRV-Tacular version, but since grenade count and elemental damage / chance are the same, this makes very little difference in overall damage.
A patch on 2019-10-24 changed the elemental beam damage to no longer count as splash damage for the purposes of skills such as Means of Destruction. The grenade will still detonate after discharging the elemental beam, which counts as splash damage.