Borderlands Wiki

The wheels of Carnivora turn slow, but they grind exceedingly bloody.
— In-game description

The Guts of Carnivora is a location in Borderlands 3 in the interior area of the mobile fortress Carnivora. Most of the interior is that of shipping containers used to house the bandits, while the center part contains the arena.


Notable Allies[]

Common Enemies[]

Notable Enemies[]

Points of Interest[]

Gassup Garage[]

A makeshift car garage where the bandits build their machines.

The Gutworks[]

The engine bay of the Carnivora, filled with Tinks.

Windshaken Catwalks[]

Mack's Head Room[]

The Main Stage[]

The arena area of Carnivora where the Agonizer 9000 is encountered.


  • Title given by the game is "Mobile Fortress".

