Level | Prefix | Capacity | Recharge Rate | Recharge Delay | Notes | Image |
40 | of Adaptation | 3115 | 543 | 3.3 | Manufacturer: Pangoblin +8% Maximum Health and 17% Damage Resistance to the last damage type received for 3 seconds. |
[Shield 1]
40 | of the Beefy | 6008 | 431 | 6.2 | Manufacturer: Hyperius +10% Maximum Health. |
[Shield 2]
40 | of Blasting | 4959 | 392 | 4.5 | Manufacturer: Ashen Triggers 2.199 Poison Damage Nova on Ward break. |
[Shield 3]
40 | of Breathing | 2762 | 528 | 3.4 | Manufacturer: Pangoblin Knock back all enemies on Ward break. |
[Shield 4]
40 | of Daring | 6867 | 452 | 6.5 | Manufacturer: Hyperius 27% Resistance. |
[Shield 5]
40 | of the Eager | 7210 | 411 | 4.9 | Manufacturer: Hyperius -25% Ward Recharge Delay. |
[Shield 6]
40 | of Echoes | 5608 | 392 | 4.5 | Manufacturer: Ashen 15% chance to Reflect bullets and arrows while Warded. |
[Shield 7]
40 | of Firing | 6554 | 498 | 6.5 | Manufacturer: Hyperius +15% Ward Regeneration Rate. |
[Shield 8]
40 | of Fleeing | 5407 | 392 | 5.5 | Manufacturer: Ashen +10% Movement Speed while Ward is depleted. |
[Shield 9]
40 | of Frenzy | 2762 | 528 | 4.1 | Manufacturer: Pangoblin +20% Melee Damage while Ward is depleted. |
[Shield 10]
40 | of Grace | 6867 | 452 | 7.5 | Manufacturer: Hyperius +23% Reload Speed while Ward is depleted. |
[Shield 11]
40 | of Growth | 3709 | 528 | 3.8 | Manufacturer: Pangoblin +25% Maximum Ward. |
[Shield 12]
40 | of Hail | 6437 | 452 | 7.3 | Manufacturer: Hyperius +10% Fire Rate while Ward is depleted. |
[Shield 13]
40 | of Healing | 6554 | 452 | 7.0 | Manufacturer: Hyperius Regenerate +5% of your Maximum Health per second while Ward is full. |
[Shield 14]
40 | of Impact | 3115 | 528 | 3.2 | Manufacturer: Pangoblin While Full shots drain 30% Ward for +20% Gun Damage. |
[Shield 15]
40 | of Salvage | 6867 | 452 | 6.5 | Manufacturer: Hyperius +15% chance to Absorb bullets as Ammo. |
[Shield 16]
40 | of Shelter | 4154 | 528 | 3.4 | Manufacturer: Pangoblin +40% Ward Capacity -10% Maximum Health. |
[Shield 17]
40 | of Striking | 5407 | 392 | 4.8 | Returns 628 Damage if dealt Melee Damage while Warded. | [Shield 18]