Borderlands Wiki

The Gluttonous Thresher is fought during the final part of Bright Lights, Flying City. It possesses a shield and powerful projectile attacks, as well as tentacle attacks.


In order to return to Sanctuary, the Vault Hunters need to acquire a lunar beacon, but upon reaching the location of the beacon, this giant thresher rears out of the ground and swallows the device. The Gluttonous Thresher must then be killed in order to recover it.


Main article: Bright Lights, Flying City

Strong point Info: The "Gluttonous Thresher" has a hard outer core shell along with a sheild for it's defense. Trying to kill it by shooting it's skin or shell will take hours and be extremely hard. Though I do not recommend it, you may try if you wish.

Weakness Info: The weakness point is it's eyes so players using sniper rifles and long range guns of any type will have an advantage to this boss. Also I recommend having electrical (shock) weapons to bring his sheilds down quickly.

Elements that are deadly to "Gluttonous Thresher" include ; Fire (Flame), Electrical (shock) , Corrosive (acid), and Slag.

So basicly and element will do.

See Also
