Borderlands Wiki
Forums: Index > Item trading PS3 > Tired of buying bullets

Since this is my first topic, first off I want to say that I really do like this wiki, although I have just recently joined, I have been visiting it for quite some time now, and it's proved to be a good time passer and very helpful!

Anyway, back to topic: So I'm getting really tired of having to buy Sniper bullets every 10-20 minutes. (That Vicious Orion's eats them up when you're "in the zone".) So I was wondering if there was anyone out there who may have an extra legit Sniper COM lying around with at least the Ammo Regeneration on it (as it seems that every Sniper one I pick up has everything BUT that XD) I was hoping for at least +16 Ammo Regen, but any will do.

I'm playing on the PS3, my GT is Abyss_Raider.

If anyone wants to trade, I have a few good weapons and etc that I can put up (I'll add more an details for each when I can get on the game), a few being:

3 Equalizers (One's a bloody, the other two I can't seem to remember right now.)

A guardian

Whatever the unlimited damage Repeater is XD

A revolver that does at least 600 dmg

A Desert Anarchy (I think that's right, I'll double check)

There's a lot more weapons that I'll be willing to trade, but these are the only ones that came up in my head, I'll post later once I get on the system and check. Also they are all legit, and since I'm still in Dahl Headlands on PT2, not many of them are very high level, although I do have a couple.

Thanks in advance everyone :) Abyss Raider

What lvl are you? I have one with +23 ammo regen. My psn is sarge101 add me and I can dupe it for you later. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs)

By unlimited damage repeater you are referring to the stock repeater pistol, right?  nagy   talkScorpio-fulllog     03:06, October 10, 2010 (UTC)

Thanks for the quick replies :) Didn't even catch that, meant regenerating ammo my bad heheh. Yeah it's a repeater pistol, and my current level is 49.

Abyss Raider

I beleive he was refering to the protector pistol.Veggienater 03:33, October 10, 2010 (UTC)

im on 360 or id give you a really good one but as far as pistols go there is also a pistol com that will regen ammo and then you could use better guns than the ammo regen type which art usually below average stat wise. that is if you are a hunter which is what i assumeVeggienater 03:26, October 10, 2010 (UTC)


Did I hear "stock"?

NOhara24 03:28, October 10, 2010 (UTC)

You're correct, I am a Hunter :p I wasn't aware there was a Pistol Regen COM, that would be nice to have also heheh, and yeah the Protector is what I meant.
