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Forums: Index > Archives Help desk > Mad Moxxi DLC larger challenges?

Well I don't know what the hell a "larger challenge" in Mad Moxxi's DLC is but I guess it's just a harder version that's accessed after the first version is beaten but I'm not sure. Could someone fill me in on the details please? Thanks in advance. TeSpoon2468 23:46, February 14, 2010 (UTC)TeSpoon2468

see:Big Tournament and yes its made available (behind the curtain) after you defeat the skill point challenges.   Dr. F    Chemicalweapon   Wordpress shovel   Boston globe bullhorn  23:51, February 14, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah, it's a bitch. It's the same set up as the first challenges, but it's 20 waves, and each wave gets more and more difficult, enemies get more health, damage, and shields. Play with friends, I beat angelic ruins 20 wave on my own and it took a while. I'd be down to play hellburbia or the gully. I need to beat those. XBL GT Hellz Lips 23:57, February 14, 2010 (UTC)
