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Forums: Index > Archives Watercooler > Issues with Vendors post Patch 1.41?

First off, I appologize if this post is a replica of another post under a different name, I searched and found nothing dealing with this topic. If I missed it, feel free to delete this post, and direct me to the correct one. That said...

I realize that gun vendors are in no way a reliable source of good arms, but has anyone else noticed that these vendors, which are supposed to level with you (with Patch 1.41, once you reach PT 2.5), now produce guns that don't really live up to their level? Of course, viewing a gun, it STATES that the crappy green rarity pistol listed fourth from the bottom is level 69, and the price for the item certainly reflects the level it is given; however, none of the gun's stats - damage, accuracy, fire rate, etc... - reflect ANY level dependent improvement to what you would typically have seen for the same crappy green rarity gun in the same vendor pre-Patch 1.41 at level 48.

Now, I do not mod, and therefore have no idea if or how the level of a gun scales these statistics specifically, but I certainly recall that, in the vanilla game, I could find guns at, say, level 36 that dramatically outshined level 25 guns of equal if not greater rarity. Why then, does it appear that most guns in the vendor are now just relabeled in level and price? I feel like if I were to buy that crappy green rarity gun, I would be paying 4.5 mil for something that would have, before Nov. 2nd, cost me only $260,000. Has anyone else encountered this and felt this way, or am I just ignorant to how much a 20 level increase to a gun affects its statistics? Xaevian 23:29, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

The cost of an item increases more dramatically with a higher level than it does with better parts. So a level 36 gun with the worst parts will, in many cases, cost more than a level 25 gun with the best parts. As to how many cases it actually is, depends on the level difference and what sort of parts you're referring to.  nagy   talkScorpio-fulllog     09:32, November 8, 2010 (UTC)
