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Forums: Index > Archives Help desk > Duplicate page names

Hi all. I'd like to get some input. It seems that with the DLC we will be running into pagename comflicts. The immediate 2 obvious examples are: House of the Ned (achievement and mission) and Pumpkinhead (NPC/enemy and mission). I mentioned this on the House of the Ned page but figured I should bring it here so everyone can chime in. One option to address this would be set a few naming conventions for naming new pages based on the categories; missions, achievements, npcs. For example:

  • mission page would be - Mission: Mission Name (Mission: House of the Ned)
  • npc would be - NPC: NPC Name
  • achievement would be - Achievement: Achievement Name (Achievement: House of the Ned)

I know it would require some rewrite to bring the older pages into line, and maybe a so code changes to allow differential linking. Your thoughts? DLanyon 05:59, November 25, 2009 (UTC)

Wikipedia norm is to name them like this:
  • Pumpkinhead (NPC)
  • Pumpkinhead (enemy)
  • Pumpkinhead (mission)
  • etc....
This will work fine here, too. Article names should focus on the topic, not the category.  LobStoR name  talk  contribs  06:54, November 25, 2009 (UTC)
Additionally, this should only be applied when absolutely necessary to differentiate between two identical topics. Generally articles should not be categorized by their titles.  LobStoR name  talk  contribs  07:14, November 25, 2009 (UTC)