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I've read somewhere that there is a 3rd playthrough where the enemies start at level 42-50. I finished th 2nd playthrough and no option for a 3rd. Was the information incorrect, or did i do something wrong

As soon as you finish the second playthrough, all the enemies in the second playthrough scale up to level 50 and all the items are level 48. Just wander around the second playthrough again and you'll see. -Striator 02:07, November 15, 2009

So there is no option do it again? And yes i think i saw brutes become bullys

there is no 3rd playthrough at this time. as Striator says _all_ enemies everywhere (even back in fyrestone) scale up and bosses and superbads go to level 51. try the playthrough again from memory or jump around, im sure you still have some skills to level. <+> Dr. F