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Fist of the Elements is the third of Amara's four skill trees. Her other skill trees are Brawl, Mystical Assault, and Enlightened Force.

Focuses: elemental status effects, elemental damage.

Starting Skill[]

Skill Type Effect
Action Skill Incapacitates a target for a short time. Targets who cannot be incapacitated take instant damage instead.
  • Duration: 7 seconds
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds
  • Grasp Immune Damage: 28

Tier 1[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive 5 Increases damage and duration of all status effects caused by Amara. Damage from Action Skill status effect is increased further.
  • Status Effect Damage: +4% / +8% / +12% / +16% / +20%
  • Status Effect Duration: +20% / +40% / +60% / +80% / +100%
  • Action Skill Status Effect Damage: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%
Steady Hand(s)
Steady Hand(s)
Passive 3 Increases handling and accuracy.
  • Handling: +14% / +24% / +32%
  • Accuracy: +13% / +23% / +31%
Passive 5 Converts a portion of weapon damage into Action Skill elemental damage.
  • Damage Converted: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%

Tier 2[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive 5 Increases all elemental damage dealt by Amara. Shock damage is increased further.
  • Elemental Damage: +6% / +12% / +18% / +24% / +30%
  • Shock Damage: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%
    • The game incorrectly states that shock receives an additional +4% per rank compared to other elements, while in fact it is only +2%.
Illuminated Fist
Illuminated Fist
Passive 1 Increases melee damage. Converts melee damage to Action Skill elemental damage.
  • Melee Damage: +75%
Passive 5 Status effects caused by Amara have a chance to spread to nearby enemies.
  • Spread Chance: +8% / +16% / +24% / +32% / +40%
Element - Converts all Action Skill damage to incendiary.

Tier 3[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
The Eternal Fist
The Eternal Fist
Action Skill - Phasegrasps a target for a short time. If the target dies during this time, a new fist seeks out and Phasegrasps a new enemy.
  • Duration: 7 seconds
  • Cooldown: 20 seconds
  • Bonus Targets: up to +4
  • Grasp Immune Damage: 28
Passive 1 Increases gun damage for a short time when an enemy is Phasegrasped. If Amara or an ally kills a Phasegrasped enemy, their currently equipped weapon is instantly reloaded.
  • Gun Damage: +15%
  • Duration: 8 seconds
Augment - Action Skill creates a singularity, pulling nearby enemies in. Reduces Action Skill damage.
  • Action Skill Damage: -20%
  • Duration: 2.5 seconds

Tier 4[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive 3 Amara's bullets have a chance to ricochet to nearby enemies, dealing reduced damage. Chance and damage are increased against target affected by Phasegrasp or Stillness of Mind.
  • Ricochet Chance: 10% / 20% / 30%
  • Ricochet Damage: -50%
  • Action Skill Ricochet Chance: 20% / 40% / 60%
  • Action Skill Ricochet Damage: -25%
Deep Well
Deep Well
Passive 1 Increases magazine for elemental weapons.
  • Magazine Size: +20%
Passive 3 Amara's elemental effects on an enemy cause it to explode when it dies. The explosion deals Action Skill elemental damage, plus damage of any element currently affecting that enemy.
  • Damage: 4
  • Cooldown: 8 seconds
Ties that Bind
Ties that Bind
Action Skill - Phasegrasps a target for a short time. Enemies near the target are linked. When a linked target takes damage, a portion of that damage is inflicted on other linked targets.
  • Duration: 7 seconds
  • Cooldown: 18 seconds
  • Linked Damage: 35% of damage dealt
  • Grasp Immune Damage: 34

Tier 5[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Fist over Matter
Fist over Matter
Action Skill - Phasegrasps a target for a short time and summons giant fists that smash the area for a short time.
  • Duration: 7 seconds
  • Cooldown: 28 seconds
  • Damage: 35
  • Grasp Immune Damage: 39
Passive 5 Dealing damage with elemental weapons restores health based on damage dealt.
  • Life Steal: +4% / +8% / +12% / +16% / +20%
Passive 5 Inflicting a status effect on an enemy has a chance to also burn, electrocute, or melt that enemy.
  • Extra Effect Chance: +7% / +14% / +21% / +28% / +35%

Tier 6[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Forceful Expression
Forceful Expression
Passive 1 Allows gun shots to deal bonus Action Skill elemental damage.
  • Bonus Elemental Damage: 18% of damage dealt

Amara skills
Brawl Mystical Assault Fist of the Elements Enlightened Force