Borderlands Wiki


Focuses: pet skag, pet bonuses.

Starting Skills[]

Skill Type Effect
Gamma Burst
Gamma Burst
Action Skill Creates a rift at target location and teleports pet there. The rift deals radiation damage to nearby enemies. Pet becomes irradiated, dealing additional radiation damage when attacking. Can also revive pet, but this doubles follow up cooldown time.
  • Damage: 56
  • Duration: 20 seconds
  • Cooldown: 30 seconds
Guard Skag
Guard Skag
Pet Summons a pet skag. FL4K gains increased damage while accompanied by the skag.

Attack Command: the skag vomits acid at enemies.

Tier 1[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive 5 Increases pet damage.
  • Pet Damage: +10% / +20% / +30% / +40% / +50%
Persistence Hunter
Persistence Hunter
Passive 3 Increases FL4K's gun damage and Action Skill duration.
  • Gun Damage: +4% / +8% / +12%
  • Action Skill Duration: +15% / +30% / +45%
Go for the Eyes!
Go for the Eyes!
Passive 5 Pet's first melee attack against an enemy is always a critical hit which gains bonus critical damage.
  • Pet Critical Hit Damage: +15% / +30% / +45% / +60% / +75%

Tier 2[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Atomic Aroma
Atomic Aroma
Augment - Pet is surrounded by radiation aura that constantly damages nearby enemies. Requires Gamma Burst.
  • Damage: 4 per second
Who Rescued Who?
Who Rescued Who?
Passive 5 FL4K briefly regenerates health when pet deals damage. Pet instantly gains some health when FL4K deals damage.
  • Health Regeneration: +0.4% / +0.8% / +1.2% / +1.6% / +2%
  • Pet Health Restored: 1% / 2% / 3% / 4% / 5% of damage dealt
He Bites!
He Bites!
Passive 3 Pet can reflect a portion of damage it takes back at enemies.
  • Damage Reflected: +5% / +10% / +15%
Passive 5 Hunter Skill. When pet deals damage, both FL4K and pet gain a stack of Frenzy, which increases damage.
  • Damage: +0.8% / +1.6% / +2.4% / +3.2% / +4%
  • Max Frenzy Stacks: 10

Tier 3[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Empathic Rage
Empathic Rage
Augment - FL4K deals increased damage while Gamma Burst is active. Requires Gamma Burst.
  • Damage: +20%
Psycho Head on a Stick
Psycho Head on a Stick
Passive 1 Hunter Kill Skill. Pet gains increased movement speed and damage after FL4K kills an enemy.
  • Pet Movement Speed: +12%
  • Pet Damage: +20%
  • Duration: 8 seconds
Hive Mind
Hive Mind
Passive 3 A portion of damage dealt to FL4K is inflicted on pet instead.
  • Damage Shared: 5% / 10% / 15%
Great Horned Skag
Great Horned Skag
Pet - Pet skag is upgraded to Horned skag. FL4K gains increased damage while accompanied by the horned skag.

Attack Command: the skag charges at enemies and knocks them into the air.

  • Damage: +5%
  • Gun Damage: +10%

Tier 4[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Augment - Each kill made by FL4K or pet extends Gamma Burst's duration and increases pet damage.
  • Skill Duration: +3 seconds per kill
  • Pet Damage: +10% per kill
  • Max Stacks: 5
Barbaric Yawp
Barbaric Yawp
Passive 5 Increases all pet bonuses for FL4K.
  • Pet Bonuses: +40% / +80% / +120% / +160 / +200%
Mutated Defenses
Mutated Defenses
Passive 1 Pet gains damage reduction and is partially healed when health falls below a certain threshold.
  • Damage Reduction: +30% for 6 seconds
  • Health Regeneration: +40% of Max Pet Health over 6 seconds
  • Cooldown: 15 seconds
Eridian Skag
Eridian Skag
Pet - Pet skag is upgraded to Eridian skag. FL4K gains increased damage and fire rate while accompanied by the Eridian skag.

Attack Command: the skag generates a singularity, pulling nearby enemies in.

  • Damage: +5%
  • Fire Rate: +5%

Tier 5[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Burst Aid
Burst Aid
Augment - Rift created by Gamma Burst remains for the full duration of the skill. FL4K and allies near the rift rapidly regenerate health. Requires Gamma Burst.
  • Health Regeneration: +20% of Max Health per second
Pack Tactics
Pack Tactics
Passive 3 FL4K and Pet gain increased maximum health and damage.
  • FL4K and Pet Damage: +7% / +14% / +21%
  • FL4K and Per Maximum Health: +5% / +10% / +15%
Shared Spirit
Shared Spirit
Passive 1 When FL4K is at low health, a portion of damage they take is inflicted on pet instead.
  • Damage Shared: 50%

Tier 6[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive 1 Turns an enemy into an ally. Duration is doubled against a beast target. Target constantly loses health while dominated. Only one enemy can be dominated at a time, and each enemy can be dominated only once.
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • Target loses 2% of Max Health per second


Focuses: pet jabber, burst damage, survivability.

Starting Skills[]

Skill Type Effect
Fade Away
Fade Away
Action Skill Renders FL4K invisible to enemies. FL4K can shoot up to three shots while invisible, and each shot is an automatic critical hit. Grants increased movement speed and health regeneration.
  • Critical Hit Damage: +200%
  • Movement Speed: +25%
  • Health Regeneration: +3% of Max Health per second
  • Duration: 15 seconds
  • Cooldown: 45 seconds
Jabber Sidekick
Jabber Sidekick
Pet Summons a pet jabber. FL4K gains increased movement speed while accompanied by the jabber.

Attack Command: the jabber throws a radiation barrel at enemies.

  • Movement Speed: +5%

Tier 1[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Self-Repairing System
Self-Repairing System
Passive 5 FL4K gains increased maximum health and constant health regeneration.
  • Maximum Health: +6% / +12% / +18% / +24% / +30%
  • Health Regeneration: 0.3% / 0.6% / 0.9% / 1.2% / 1.5%
Sic 'Em
Sic 'Em
Passive 3 Reduces Attack Command cooldown and increases the attack's damage.
  • Attack Command Damage: +10% / +20% / +30%
  • Attack Command Cooldown: -10% / -20% / -30%
Furious Attack
Furious Attack
Passive 5 Hunter Skill. FL4K gains Furious Attack stacks when shooting enemies. Each stack increases handling, gun damage and Pet damage.
  • Handling: +1% / +2% / +2.9% / +3.8% / +4.8% per stack
  • Gun Damage: +0.4% / +0.8% / +1.2% / +1.6% / +2.0% per stack
  • Pet Damage: +1% / +1% / +2% / +2% / +3%
  • Furious Attack Stacks: 10
  • Furious Attack Duration: 4 seconds

Tier 2[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Guerrillas in the Mist
Guerrillas in the Mist
Augment - Fade Away no longer ends when FL4K attacks, but duration and bonus critical damage are reduced. Requires Fade Away.
  • Fade Away Duration: 5 seconds
  • Critical Hit Damage: 25%
Eager to Impress
Eager to Impress
Passive 5 Kill Skill. Action Skill cooldown is reduced when FL4K kills an enemy. If the pet kills an enemy, cooldown is reduced by a greater amount, and Attack Command cooldown is reset.
  • Pet Kill: -0.5s / -1s / -1.5s / -2s / -2.5s
  • FL4K Kill: -0.25s / -0.5s / -0.75s / -1s / -1.25s
All My BFF's
All My BFF's
Passive 3 FL4K's allies gain a portion of FL4K's total health regeneration. FL4K's pet receives twice the amount.
  • Allies Share 17% / 33 / 50% of FL4K's Health Regeneration.
Passive 5 Increases FL4K's fire rate. Reloading weapon increases fire rate further for a few seconds.
  • Fire Rate: +2% / +4% / +6% / +8% / +10%
  • Fire Rate after Reloading: +2% / +4% / +6% / +8% / +10%
  • Duration: 4 seconds

Tier 3[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Not My Circus
Not My Circus
Augment - FL4K's pet taunts nearby enemies and gains damage reduction for a few seconds after Fade Away ends. Requires Fade Away.
  • Pet Taunt Duration: 6 seconds
  • Pet Damage Reduction: +80%
Lick the Wounds
Lick the Wounds
Passive 1 FL4K's pet will attempt to revive FL4K when they are crippled. After being revived by pet, pet gains increased damage for a time.
  • Pet Damage: +30%
  • Duration: 60 seconds
Turn Tail and Run
Turn Tail and Run
Passive 3 FL4K gains health regeneration and damage reduction while moving. They gain gun damage and fire rate while not moving.
  • Damage Reduction While Moving: +6.5% / +12.3% / +17.4%
  • Health Regeneration While Moving: +0.3% / +0.6% / +0.9%
  • Gun Damage While Still: +8.3% / +16.7% / +25%
  • Fire Rate While Still: +4% / +8% / +12%
Beefcake Jabber
Beefcake Jabber
Pet - Pet jabber is upgraded to Beefcake jabber, armed with a shotgun. FL4K gains increased movement speed and maximum health while accompanied by the Beefcake.

Attack Command: the Beefcake performs a melee attack that knocks enemies back.

  • Movement Speed: +5%
  • Maximum Health: +10%

Tier 4[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Until You Are Dead
Until You Are Dead
Augment - Fade Away's health regeneration and movement speed bonuses persist for a few seconds after Fade Away ends. Requires Fade Away.
  • Extra Duration: 10 seconds
The Fast and the Furryous
The Fast and the Furryous
Passive 3 While above half Health, FL4K gains increased Gun Damage and Movement Speed, and their pet gains increased damage.
  • Gun Damage: +8% / +17% / +25%
  • Movement Speed: +3.3% / +6.7% / +10.0%
  • Pet Damage: +10% / +20% / +30%
Hidden Machine
Hidden Machine
Passive 5 FL4K deals increased damage against targets who are not targeting FL4K.
  • Damage: +6% / +12% / +18% / +24% / +30%
Gunslinger Jabber
Gunslinger Jabber
Pet - Pet jabber is upgraded to Gunslinger jabber, armed with an SMG. FL4K gains increased movement speed and critical hit damage while accompanied by the Gunslinger.

Attack Command: the Gunslinger equips a rocket launcher to attack the target.

  • Movement Speed: +5%
  • Critical Hit Damage: +5%

Tier 5[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Unblinking Eye
Unblinking Eye
Augment - FL4K's successive hits on the same target receive increasing critical damage bonus. Bonus is reset every three hits. Requires Fade Away.
  • Critical Hit Damage: +75% per hit
Rage and Recover
Rage and Recover
Passive 5 Kill Skill. FL4K and pet regenerate a portion of missing health after killing an enemy.
  • Health Regeneration: +1.6% / +3.2% / +4.8% / +6.4% / +8% of Missing Health per second
  • Duration: 3 seconds

Tier 6[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
The Power Inside
The Power Inside
Passive 1 Activating Action Skill gives FL4K and pet damage bonus for a short time. Bonus is doubled if FL4K is at full health.
  • Damage: +25%
  • Duration: 15 seconds


Focuses: pet spiderant, stacking bonuses.

Starting Skills[]

Skill Type Effect
Rakk Attack!
Rakk Attack!
Action Skill Summons two rakk which dive-bomb enemies. Has multiple charges.
  • Cooldown: 18 seconds
  • Damage: 35
Spiderant Centurion
Spiderant Centurion
Pet Summons a pet spiderant. FL4K constantly regenerates health while accompanied by the spiderant.

Attack Command: the spiderant charges into enemies.

  • Health Regeneration: +1% of Max Health per second

Tier 1[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Interplanetary Stalker
Interplanetary Stalker
Passive 5 Hunter Kill Skill. Killing an enemy grants a stack of Interplanetary Stalker which increases FL4K's damage and Pet Damage. Also grants a stacking unique bonus which stacks up to three times, depending on the type of enemy killed.
  • Damage: +2% / +4% / +6% / +8% / +10% per stack
  • Pet Damage : +1% / +2% / +3% / +4% / +5% per stack
  • Human Bonus - Action Skill Damage: +3% / +6% / +9% / +12% / +15% per stack
  • Robot Bonus - Corrosive Damage: +1.5% / +3% / +4.5% / +6% / +7.5% per stack
  • Beast Bonus - Movement Speed: 2% / +3% / +5% / +6% / +7% per stack
Leave No Trace
Leave No Trace
Passive 3 When FL4K scores a critical hit, there is a chance for one ammo to be added to their magazine.
  • Chance to Add Ammo: +12% / +24% / +36%
Second Intention
Second Intention
Passive 5 Hunter Kill Skill. Killing an enemy increases FL4K's reload speed for a few seconds. This bonus is greater for a critical kill.
  • Reload Speed: +3% / +6% / +8% / +11% / +13%
  • Critical Kill Reload Speed: +6% / +11% / +15% / +19% / +23%
  • Duration: 5 seconds

Tier 2[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Rakk Open a Cold One
Rakk Open a Cold One
Augment - Converts Rakk Attack!'s damage to cryo. Requires Rakk Attack!.
Hunter's Eye
Hunter's Eye
Passive 5 Grants unique bonuses when fighting different types of enemies.
  • Critical Hit Damage vs. Humans: +3% / +6% / +9% / +12% / +15%
  • Armor Damage vs. Robots: +6% / +12% / +18% / +24% / +30%
  • Damage Reduction vs. Beasts: +5.3% / +10.1% / +14.4% / +18.3% / +21.9%
Head Count
Head Count
Passive 3 FL4K's critical hits have a chance to reduce Action Skill cooldown.
  • Cooldown Reduction: -2 seconds
  • Cooldown Reduction Chance: +10% / +20% / +30%
Ambush Predator
Ambush Predator
Passive 5 Increases FL4K's handling and critical damage when there are no enemies nearby.
  • Handling: +17% / +29% / +38% / +44% / +50%
  • Critical Hit Damage: +4% / +8% / +12% / +16% / +20%

Tier 3[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Falconer's Feast
Falconer's Feast
Augment - FL4K regains health whenever Rakk Attack! damages an enemy. Requires Rakk Attack!.
  • Health Returned: 7% of Max Health
Two F4ng
Two F4ng
Passive 5 FL4K gains a chance to fire one additional projectile with every shot.
  • Extra Projectile Chance: 5% / 10% / 15% / 20% / 25%
Spiderant Scorcher
Spiderant Scorcher
Pet - Pet spiderant is upgraded to Scorcher spiderant. The Scorcher occasionally deals incendiary damage to nearby enemies. FL4K constantly regenerates health and gains elemental resistance while accompanied by the Scorcher.

Attack Command: the Scorcher charges into enemies.

  • Health Regeneration: +1% of Max Health per second
  • Elemental Damage: +10%

Tier 4[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Flock 'N Load
Flock 'N Load
Augment - Adds more rakk to Rakk Attack!. Requires Rakk Attack!.
  • Additional Rakk: +2
Big Game
Big Game
Passive 3 Increases effectiveness and duration of Hunter Skills.
  • Hunter Skill Effects: +10% / +20% / +30%
  • Hunter Skill Duration: +33% / +67% / +100%
The Most Dangerous Game
The Most Dangerous Game
Passive 3 Hunter Kill Skill. FL4K gains critical hit damage, gun damage, and weapon handling for a time after killing a Badass or stronger enemy. Additionally, their Pet gains increased pet damage for a long time
  • Critical Hit Damage: +8% / +17% / +25%
  • Gun Damage: +3.3% / +6.7% / +10%
  • Handling: +14.3% / +25% / +33.3%
  • Pet Damage : +9% / +18% / +27%
  • Duration: 120 seconds
Spiderant Countess
Spiderant Countess
Pet - Pet spiderant is upgraded to Countess spiderant. FL4K constantly regenerates health and gains damage reduction while accompanied by the Countess.

Attack Command: the Countess burrows then reemerges, dealing corrosive damage in an area.

  • Health Regeneration: +1% of Max Health per second
  • Damage Reduction: +5%

Tier 5[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Augment - Rakk Attack! has increased cooldown rate and gains one additional charge. Requires Rakk Attack!.
  • Cooldown Rate: +20%
  • Skill Charges: +1
Galactic Shadow
Galactic Shadow
Passive 1 Increases FL4K's critical hit damage and makes enemies less likely to attack them.
  • Critical Hit Damage: +15%
Grim Harvest
Grim Harvest
Passive 5 Increases FL4K's gun damage, Action Skill damage, and Pet Damage
  • Gun Damage: +3% / +6% / +9% / +12% / +15%
  • Action Skill Damage: +5% / +10% / +15% / +20% / +25%
  • Pet Damage: +7% / +14% / +21% / +28% / +35%

Tier 6[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive 1 Allows FL4K to score critical hits with weapons against any part of an enemy.
  • Critical Hit Chance: +20%


Starting Skill[]

Skill Type Effect
Gravity Snare
Gravity Snare
Action Skill FL4K tosses out a Trap that Knocks Up and temporarily Stuns nearby enemies. After being deployed, the Trap periodically continues to Knock Up and Stun enemies for the duration. While standing near the Trap, pressing E will pick up the Trap, ending the action skill early and refunding the portion of the remaining duration.
  • Duration: 16 seconds
  • Cooldown: 36 seconds
ION Loader
ION Loader
Pet FL4K is joined by a loyal Mini ION Loader Bot companion, armed with a Shock Sniper Rifle and Homing Shock Orbs that can be sot to trigger a Shock Nova. While accompanied by rge ION Loader, FL4K gains increased Elemental Damage Resistance.
Hold F to issue an Attack Command, which causes the ION Loader to fire a powerful Eye Laser at the enemy.
  • Elemental Resistance: +30.0%

Tier 1[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Gotta Go Fast
Gotta Go Fast
Passive Ability 5 FL4K's pet gains increased Movement Speed and Damage.
  • Pet Damage: +7%
  • Pet Movement Speed: +8%
Success Imminent
Success Imminent
Passive Ability 5 Whenever FL4K's or their pet's shield breaks or is filled, they and their pet create a Radiation Nova. This Skill has a short cooldown.
  • Nova Damage: 6
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
Agility Training
Agility Training
Passive Ability 5 FL4K and their pet gain increased Reload Speed.
  • Reload Speed: +8%

Tier 2[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Action Skill Augment - Whenever an enemy trapped by FL4K is knocked into the air, they drop ammo, health boosters, and shield boosters.
Better Toys
Better Toys
Passive Ability 3 FL4K and their pet gain increased Shield Recharge Rate and improved Shield Recharge Delay.
  • Shield Recharge Rate: +6%
  • Shield Recharge Delay: -8%
Combat Veterinarian
Combat Veterinarian
Passive Ability 1 Whenever FL4K shoots the same enemy their pet is attacking, FL4K's Pet gains a portion of the damage dealt as health.
  • Life Steal: 30% of damage dealt
Passive Ability 3 Hunter Skill. FL4K's pet's attacks have a chance to score a Critical Hit, dealing increased damage.
  • Critical Chance: 5%

Tier 3[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Wide Net
Wide Net
Action Skill Augment - FL4K's Trap gains increased Duration and increased Radius.
  • Trap Duration: +25%
  • Trap Radius: +100%
Lethal Force Authorized
Lethal Force Authorized
Passive Ability 1 Whenever FL4K's Loader Bot pet would go into Fight For Your Life, it turns into an EXP Loader instead and seeks out a nearby enemy before self-destructing, dealing damage to all nearby enemies.
FL4K's pet's respawn time is reduced.
  • Pet Respawn Time: -50%
  • EXP Loader Damage: 89
Take This!
Take This!
Passive Ability 1 FL4K's pet gains a copy of FL4K's shield.
BUL Loader
BUL Loader
Pet - FL4K's ION Loader upgrades into an BUL Loader, discarding its sniper rifle and equipping a Shotgun. FL4K's BUL Loader also gains increased Damage Resistance and a powerful Roundhouse Melee Attack. While accompanied by the BUL Loader, FL4K's Shield Capacity is increased.
When FL4K issues an Attack Command, the BUL Loader briefly turns into a Buldozer to charge at enemies and knock them up.
  • Shield Capacity: +20.00%

Tier 4[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Trap Card
Trap Card
Action Skill Augment - If FL4K would go into Fight For Your Life while their Trap is readied, they automatically throw a Trap at the enemy that downed them.
  • Duration: 16 seconds
Monkey Do!
Monkey Do!
Passive Ability 5 FL4K's pet gains increased Critical Hit Damage.
Whenever FL4K's Pet scores a Critical Hit, FL4K's next shot deals Bonus Damage based on their weapon's damage.
  • Pet Critical Hit Damage: +14%
  • Bonus Damage: +14% of weapon damage
Wooly Armor
Wooly Armor
Passive Ability 1 While FL4K's shields are full, their pet gains Damage Reduction.
  • Pet Damage Reduction: +75%
Not Even A Challenge
Not Even A Challenge
Passive 5 Whenever FL4K's pet kills an enemy, FL4K gains increased Action Skill Duration and Action Skill Cooldown Rate for a short time. This effect stacks.
  • Cooldown Rate: +7%
  • Action Skill Duration: +7%
  • Duration: 12 seconds
  • Max Stacks: 10
WAR Loader
WAR Loader
Pet - FL4K's ION Loader upgrades into a WAR Loader, discarding its sniper rifle and equipping an Incendiary Shotgun and Grenades. While accompanied by the WAR Loader, FL4K gains increased Fire Rate.
When FL4K issues an Attack Command, the WAR Loader unleashes a barrage of missiles at the target.
  • Fire Rate: +12%

Tier 5[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Blind With Anger
Blind With Anger
Action Skill Augment - FL4K's Trap no longer Knocks Up or Stuns enemies. Instead, the Trap confuses nearby enemies, causing them to attack their allies for a short time. Once deployed, the Trap continues to periodically confuse enemies for the duration.
  • Confuse Duration: 8 seconds
Fuzzy Math
Fuzzy Math
Passive Ability 5 Whenever FL4K or their pet scores a Critical Hit, a portion of FL4K's and their pet's shields are restored.
  • Shield Restore: 3% of Max Shields
Keep Them Safe
Keep Them Safe
Passive Ability 5 Whenever FL4K issues an Attack Command, if FL4K's or their pet's shield is less than half full a portion of FL4K's and their pet's shields are restored. This skill has a short cooldown.
  • Shield Restore: 10% of Max Shields
  • Cooldown: 12 seconds

Tier 6[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Passive Ability 1 Whenever FL4K activates their Action Skill, they gain greatly increased Shield Capacity for a short time and immediately begin recharging their shields. This skill has a short cooldown.
  • Shield Capacity: +100%
  • Duration: 16 seconds
  • Cooldown: 16 seconds

FL4K skills
Master Stalker Hunter Trapper