Borderlands Wiki

The Evil Smasher is a unique assault rifle manufactured by Torgue. Evil Smasher is obtained from the mission The Chosen One. It uses the Vladof rifle barrel.

Special Weapon Effects

Evil will be SMASHED!!! WITH SMASHING!!! EVIL!!! SMASH!!! ER!!! – Below-average overall weapon stats. On reload, has a small chance to enhance the power of the next magazine.


The Evil Smasher is an assault rifle modified by Marcus. The gun appears to be cheaply made; certain parts have the color and texture of corroded copper, while others are painted pure white and covered in doodles. Marcus sold Evil Smasher to Kai for two million dollars, as explained by ECHOs found during The Chosen One, while the in-game value is at most around 9 hundred thousand dollars at Overpower 8.


Evil Smasher stats are below average, especially compared with other blue Torgue assault rifles, with extremely small magazine size (normally 6). However, there is a chance that the Evil Smasher will Power Up after reload, indicated by Evil Smasher seemingly exploding (but doing no damage whatsoever), along with a unique Power Up sound effect at the beginning of a reload. Evil Smasher, for the next magazine only, will have heightened stats: damage, fire rate, recoil reduction, projectile speed. Reload speed however always remains the same.

One of the following cases will apply to the NEXT magazine:

  1. Evil Smasher reload with sound and visual cues. No change in next magazine count. Damage, fire rate, accuracy, recoil reduction and bullet speed all increase.
  2. Evil Smasher reload with louder sound and bigger visual cues. Next magazine count increases by 17. Damage, fire rate, accuracy, recoil reduction and bullet speed increase further. (POWER level 1).
  3. Nothing. Weapon returns to base stats for the next clip.

Note that class mods and skills can modify clip count of BOTH Evil Smasher's base clip count AND the Power Up additional clip count. For example, if Gaige has 1 skill point at Smaller, Lighter, Faster, Evil Smasher's clip count will be reduced by 2; 1 is taken off 6, another 1 is taken off 17. Whereas for other weapons with 23 clip size, Smaller, Lighter, Faster will only take away 1 clip count.


  • A glitch associated with the Evil Smasher's random buff effect used to be able to be exploited in order to allow players to get extremely powerful weapon stats for other weapons. This is still usable as a Gunzerker, if one hand contains the Evil Smasher and the other hand, the gun to be exploited. Its unknown if this is still a bug or a feature of the Evil Smasher.
  • For those with the patience to do so, the reload can be exploited to quickly reload, check if the gun has "powered-up", then immediately do a weapon switch away and back to, and repeat. Doing this, the player can get the powerup significantly faster than just reloading as normal.