Borderlands Wiki
Enlightened Force Skill Tree

Enlightened Force is the fourth of Amara's skill trees and is exclusive to the Designer's Cut DLC.
Her other skill trees are Brawl, Fist of the Elements, and Mystical Assault.

Starting Skill[]

Skill Type Effect
Action Skill Amara summons an Orb of Elemental Energy that deals constant elemental damage to nearby enemies. Pressing V near the Orb causes it to fly towards an enemy and damage them. Additionally, every time Amara uses a melee attack on the Orb, it gains Increased Damage based on the damage dealt to it.
Pressing F causes the Orb to return to Amara.
  • Impact Damage: 27
  • Area Damage: 5 per second
  • Duration: 30 seconds
  • Cooldown: 48 seconds

Tier 1[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Trust In Yourself
Trust In Yourself
Passive 5 Whenever an enemy breaks Amara's shield, she gains increased Reload Speed, Charge Speed, and Weapon Swap Speed for a short time. This effect is doubled if Amara's shield is broken by a melee attack.
  • Reload speed: +4%
  • Charge Speed: +8%
  • Weapon Swap Speed: +16%
  • Duration 24 seconds
No Mistakes In Nature
No Mistakes In Nature
Passive 5 Whenever Amara inflicts a Status Effect on an enemy, she gains increased Melee Damage for a short time.
  • Melee Damage: +13%
  • Duration: 12 seconds
Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain
Passive 5 Amara's weapons gain increased Projectile Speed and Splash Damage.
  • Projectile Speed: +14%
  • Splash Damage: +7%

Tier 2[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Glow Up
Glow Up
Action Skill - Instead of dealing Splash Damage to enemies, Amara's Orb grants nearby allies Health Regeneration. Amara may also press V while near the Orb to send it to a downed ally, granting them a Second Wind.
  • Impact Damage: 29
  • Healing: 6 health per second
  • Duration 28 seconds
  • Cooldown: 28 seconds
Go With The Flow
Go With The Flow
Passive 3 Whenever Amara Freezes an enemy, she gains increased Movement Speed and Weapon Damage for a short time.
  • Gun Damage: +7%
  • Movement Speed: +3%
  • Duration: 16 seconds
Unweave The Rainbow
Unweave The Rainbow
Passive 3 Amara's deals Bonus Damage of her attuned element whenever she deals Melee Damage or Splash Damage to frozen enemies.
  • Bonus Damage: +11% of damage dealt
Ebb and Flow
Ebb and Flow
Passive 3 Whenever Amara kills an enemy with a melee attack, she gains a portion of the damage dealt back as health.
  • Life Steal: +21% of damage dealt
Cold Hearted
Cold Hearted
Action Skill Element - Converts Amara's Action Skill to Cryo Damage.

Tier 3[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Shooting Star (skill)
Shooting Star (skill)
Action Skill - Amara summons an Orb of Elemental Energy that deals constant elemental damage to nearby enemies. Pressing V near the Orb causes it to fly forwards towards an enemy and damage them which also increases the amount of Overall Damage the Orb deals to enemies. Additionally, the Elemental Orb continually fires Elemental Projectiles at the last enemy Amara damaged. Pressing F causes the Orb to return to Amara.
  • Impact Damage: 21
  • Area Damage: 4 per second
  • Duration: 26 seconds
  • Cooldown: 44 seconds
Combo Breaker
Combo Breaker
Passive 1 Killing an enemy with Melee Damage has a chance to reset Amara's Action Skill Cooldown.
  • Reset Chance: 20%
Action Skill Effect - Whenever Amara kills an enemy with her Action Skill, she gains increased Action Skill Cooldown Rate until she activates her Action Skill again.
  • Cooldown Rate: +30% per enemy killed

Tier 4[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Joyfull Freedom
Joyfull Freedom
Passive 5 After activating her Action Skill, Amara gains increased Melee Damage for a short time.
  • Melee Damage: +14%
  • Duration: 12 seconds
Burn Both Ends
Burn Both Ends
Passive 5 After activating her Action Skill, Amara gains Increased Threat for a short time, drawing the attention of all enemies in a huge radius.
Whenever Amara is dealt damage by an enemy, she gains Increased Damage for a short time. This effect stacks.
  • Damage: +1%
  • Max Stacks: 15
  • Duration: 8 seconds

Tier 5[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Light Fantastic
Light Fantastic
Action Skill - Amara summons an Orb of Elemental Energy that deals constant elemental damage to nearby enemies. Whenever Amara damages an enemy, the Elemental Orb automatically travels to that enemy. Whenever Amara kills an enemy, the Elemental Orb gains Increased Damage. Pressing F causes the Orb to return to Amara.
  • Impact Damage: 18
  • Area Damage: 4 per second
  • Duration: 24 seconds
  • Cooldown: 44 seconds
Body and Mind
Body and Mind
Passive 3 Kill Skill. Amara's melee attacks deal Bonus Splash Damage for a short time.
  • Splash Damage: 4
  • Duration: 12 seconds
Free The Soul
Free The Soul
Passive 1 Kill Skill. Whenever Amara kills a frozen enemy, splinters fly out from that enemy and home to nearby enemies, dealing Cryo Damage. This skill has a short cooldown.
  • Damage: 35
  • Cooldown: 3 seconds
Passive 3 Amara gains increased Skill Damage.
  • Skill Damage: +9%

Tier 6[]

Skill Type Ranks Effect
Clear The Mind
Clear The Mind
Passive 1 Kill Skill. After killing an enemy, Amara ignores enemies Elemental Damage Resistance for a short time. This does not effect Elemental Immunity.
  • Duration: 8 seconds