Borderlands Wiki

Ember is an NPC in Moxxi's Heist of the Handsome Jackpot DLC for Borderlands 3. She is mission provider and one of the main protagonists of the DLC.


Ember is an artist and a dancer who appears to be a pyromaniac. She speaks in a heavy French accent. Her right arm and a left leg are bionic prosthetics, and according to her own admission, it was her decision, not by an accident. Where she comes from, people are liberal with their accessories and bodies. She used to stage shows at Foxxxi's Cabaret in the Vice District but is now running her own war against Pretty Boy and his cronies.



Main article: Ember/Quotes


  • Zane appears to be quickly infatuated upon seeing Ember, as he will stutter and blurt out "marry me" before performing her story quest.
  • Ember refers to Handsome Jack as "Jacques", which is a French first name that can be considered the French equivalent of the English "Jack". Jack appears to be annoyed by being called this.