Borderlands Wiki

The Draco is a Legendary Combat Rifle manufactured by S&S Munitions.

Examples are on the talk page.

Special Weapon Effects

Dragon Fire! - Incendiary x2-x4, increased magazine capacity, lower recoil, increased accuracy and increased chance to proc.

Name Glitch

A glitch in the game will prevent Dracos from ever spawning with red text and the Draco title. More often than not, they appear as green, blue or purple Glorious Massacres or Machine Guns. This makes them very easy to be overlooked. A Support Machine Gun is a Draco if and only if it has all of these characteristics:

  • Fire elemental
  • Cylinder shaped accessory attached under the barrel

Usage & Description

All Dracos have an accuracy rating of 87 - 94, higher than most other Support Machine Guns and rivaling some Sniper Rifles. The Draco's Magazine has a minimum of 79 rounds and a maximum of 124 rounds. Finally, the Draco has a strong fire elemental accessory, at no cost to the damage output. The Draco does lack a bit of a punch, in the sense that it lacks any damage boost, unlike other uniques, or machine guns from other manufacturers.

The large magazine, strong elemental accessory and high accuracy make it one of the most versatile guns in the game. It's just as easy to clear a room full of bandits by emptying the clip with reckless abandon as it is to sit at medium (or even long range) and pick enemies off one-by-one.


  • The only way to acquire a properly-titled Draco is through save-file editing, by changing the weapon's title to "gd_weap_support_machinegun.Title.TitleM_SandS_Draco"
  • The title S&S Draco does not always appear in game when the title is added using save editing programs.PS3XBOX 360
  • Keeping the Greek theme, Draco is a constellation in the far northern sky.
  • Because the Draco does not have the actual "Draco" title, it can benefit from even more recoil reduction (-40%) granted by the Massacre title.


  • Draco is the Latin word for "dragon". [1]


The Draco effect comes from the acc4_SandS_Draco_Incendiary accessory. It is based on acc4_Deathly, but also benefits from the fire effects of acc5_Incendiary. The Draco does not benefit from any Damage increase, but does not have a Damage penalty from the fire effect either. For an explanation on how to interpret the information on the following table, please see the stat modifiers page.

acc4_SandS_Draco_Incendiary acc4_Deathly acc5_Incendiary
Tech Level: +10

Recoil: -25%
Accuracy Regen Rate: -25%
Spread: -100%
Clip Size: +80%

Damage: +20%
Recoil: -25%
Accuracy Regen Rate: -25%
Tech Level: +4
Damage: -40%

