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Dakka Bear is a tier 1 passive skill in Moze's Bottomless Mags skill tree. This skill adds a turret to the back of Iron Bear. When the turret is manned, Iron Bear and its rider gains +50% damage bonus.
Iron Cub gains +20% damage from this skill instead.
- If Moze is a passenger in a different Dakka Bear, critical damage, weapon damage, and Iron Bear hard point damage will do nothing to change the actual damage output. However, when Moze gets out of her own Iron Bear and has the Auto Bear skill, she can use the Dakka Bear turret in her Iron Bear. This can be useful as Moze will be immune to damage for the duration of Auto Bear. This can also be useful when using the Rocketeer class mod.
- When Moze uses her own Dakka Bear turret, Iron Bear's hard point damage, the critical damage percent on the currently equipped gun as well as some anoints are counted during it, and micro grenades can be spawned if a Mind Sweeper class mod is equipped. The Short Fuse skill does not cause explosions when using the skill.
- A good gun to use to maximize Dakka Bear turret damage is the Trick Shot Unforgiven with an anoint that causes Moze to deal 150% radiation damage when below 50% health, since the Thin Red Line skill can be used to always have lower than 50% health. A Deathless artifact can also achieve the same effect.