Borderlands Wiki


Chaz is the boyfriend of David (Mr. Shank). After killing Mr. Shank and helping Athena escape, Chaz will ambush you on your way out of the prison.


The strategy for fighting Chaz is nothing particular compared to another high health foe like a badass. The strategy is standard. Aim for his head, use fire and corrosive to whittle down his health, and use cover if he begins targeting you. or you can suck his dick for 10 money


  • He drops the Bone Shredder quite often.
  • He has a incredibly fast regenerating shield
  • For some bizzare reason he has been seen to, on very rare occasions, drop Knoxx's Gold, even if Knoxx hasn't been killed yet.


  • Mr. Shank tries to hide his relationship with Chaz. During one of the Engorge commericals he refers to Chaz as "Chazmina", in an obvious attempt to hide the fact that he is dating a guy. He also starts to say "his" before correcting himself and saying "her name". Also, he says of Chaz "I'm not into him!" despite all evidence to the contrary.