Borderlands Wiki
Borderlands Wiki

Tracking character appearances and deaths in chronological order. See also Borderlands setting timeline for setting events taking place before the series.

Vault Hunters (Playable Characters)[]

Character BL1 TPS BL2 Tales BL3 New Tales
Lilith Playable Appearance Appearance Goes Missing Missing
Brick Playable Appearance Appearance Appearance
Mordecai Playable Appearance Appearance Appearance
Roland Playable Appearance Death Dead
Athena Appearance Playable Appearance Cameo
Wilhelm Playable Death Dead
Nisha Playable Death Dead
Claptrap Appearance Playable Appearance Appearance Appearance
Jack (DLC) Playable Appearance
Aurelia (DLC) Playable Death Dead
Maya Playable Death Dead
Salvador Playable Appearance
Axton Playable Appearance
Zer0 Playable Appearance Appearance
Gaige (DLC) Playable Appearance
Krieg (DLC) Playable Appearance
Fiona Playable Narration
Rhys Playable Appearance Appearance
Amara Playable
FL4K Playable
Moze Playable
Zane Playable
Anu Playable
Fran Playable
Octavio Playable

Crimson Raiders (Primary Quest Givers)[]

Character BL1 TPS BL2 Tales BL3 New Tales
Dr. Zed Appearance Appearance
Scooter Appearance Appearance Death Dead
Helena Pierce Appearance Dead[Note 1]
Marcus Kincaid Appearance Appearance Narration Appearance Narration
Patricia Tannis Appearance Appearance Appearance
Crazy Earl Appearance Appearance Appearance Appearance
Mad Moxxi Appearance Appearance Appearance Appearance
Sir Hammerlock Appearance Appearance Appearance
Ellie Appearance Appearance
Tiny Tina Appearance Appearance

Minor Characters and Villains[]

Character BL1 TPS BL2 Tales BL3 New Tales
Angel Appearance Death Dead
Bloodwing Appearance Death Dead
The Destroyer Death[Note 2] Clone Dead[Note 2] Appearance
Handsome Jack Appearance Death Death (AI Copy) Dead
Janey Springs Appearance Appearance
Mr. Torgue Appearance Appearance Appearance Cameo
Professor Nakayama Appearance Death Dead
Butt Stallion Appearance Appearance
Talon Appearance Appearance Appearance
Vaughn Appearance Appearance
  1. Died between games
  2. 2.0 2.1 Presumption made by the characters/player