FIRST!!! so yeah... Torgue... by far the best manufacturer in borderlands. my Brick file is dependent on Torgue for all his rocket launching needs, as well as his explosive SMG needs. i dont use any weapon for him unless its torgue save for the maliwan rhino on occasions and hyperion longbow grenades with 20 damage. Torgue is kind of a big deal. people know it. it has a breathtaking hiney.
(humorously complaining)i want a Torgue loyalty class mod, but theyre hard as f**k to find unless you farm crawmerax so im told. but ive killed that son of a beesting 57 times now and have yet to find one. needless to say, im mildly upset. i found 4 pearls already and only 1 loyalty mod, which was for a jakobs... i have yet to use a jakobs gun on bricks file. after typing this, ive come to realize how horrible my luck with loyalty mods has been so now im royally pissed off. so yeah... ps3 beats xbox any day of the week, even wedsne... any day of the week. hook me up if you have a good one you can dupe for me. im also shopping for dahl jackals. im MaliceCustard on ps3. i can give you legit guns like an aries with awesome stats, a bessie with the worst possible parts, two 2909 ironclads, 2003 damage elephant gun(highest legit damage e-gun ever!), and some "legally challenged" pearls. i farm craw constantly. send a friend request with a message about guns or for a craw farming crew. 19yrs old, im very considerate, so no douchebags or im gonna be angry. and you wont like me when im angry. im like the freaking green lantern. i eat beans.The Deutschemark 10:04, October 1, 2011 (UTC)