Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel is a video game developed by 2K Australia with cooperation from Gearbox Software, formally announced on April 9th, 2014 and released on Xbox 360, PlayStation 3 and PC on October 14th, 2014 for America, October 16th, 2014 for Australasia, and October 17th, 2014 for Europe. It was later included alongside Borderlands 2 as part of Borderlands: The Handsome Collection on March 27th, 2015.
Set at a point between Borderlands and Borderlands 2, four aspiring Vault Hunters fight alongside Handsome Jack, witnessing his transformation into the ruthless tyrant people loved to hate in Borderlands 2, and inadvertently assisting with the rise of the Hyperion Corporation and his position within it.
Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel begins as Colonel Zarpedon and her Lost Legion assault and capture the Helios space station. Jack proceeds to send his new Vault Hunters to the surface of Elpis, Pandora's moon, in an effort to find a way to retake the station.
Unlike Borderlands or Borderlands 2, where events take place as they occur, the events of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel are the story told by a captured Athena to an audience of Lilith, Mordecai and Brick, with occasional interjects from other characters as the story progresses.
The signature shoot n’ loot gameplay of the Borderlands series expands with the addition of low-gravity combat and oxygen-powered double-jumping, the icy cryo element, the deadly and varied laser weapon class, and new vehicles to help explore the lunar landscape of Elpis.
- Main article: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel mission flow
Playable Characters[]
The initial four playable character classes are all familiar faces from the Borderlands universe:
- Athena the Gladiator - A former Lance Assassin turned mercenary, and armed with a versatile Kinetic Aspis shield.
- Wilhelm the Enforcer - A Hyperion engineer with a predilection to upgrade his body with cybernetics and a pair of Surveyor robots named Wolf and Saint.
- Nisha the Lawbringer - A sociopathic, gun-waving sharpshooter capable of short bursts of pinpoint accuracy, rapid reloading and improved gun damage.
- Claptrap the Fragtrap - A Claptrap robot supercharged with an experimental software (malware) package.
DLC characters:
- Jack the Doppelganger - A body double of Handsome Jack who implements digistructed copies to help him in battle. (Released as the Handsome Jack Doppelganger Pack on November 11, 2014).
- Aurelia the Baroness - The trillionaire sister of Sir Hammerlock who uses a homing Frost Diadem Shard to freeze her enemies. (Released as the Lady Hammerlock the Baroness Pack on January 27, 2015).
- Gladstone
- Handsome Jack
- Janey Springs
- Lilith
- Moxxi
- Nakayama
- Nurse Nina
- Pickle
- Roland
- Skipper
- Tassiter
- Main article: Template:Enemies in TPS
- Elpis - the moon of Pandora
- Helios - Hyperion's H-shaped space station
- Main article: Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel weapons
Miscellaneous Features[]
- Badass Rank - Completing challenges increases Badass Rank, and the harder or higher level the challenge is, the more Badass Rank is rewarded upon completion. Earning enough rank awards a Badass Token, redeemable for stat increases that apply to all characters belonging to a profile. Badass ranks are now visible to other players in a co-op game. A Badass Rank of 2500 or higher is required to get the Excalibastard.
- Character Customization - Skins and heads are available as drops from bosses, certain enemies and as mission or challenge rewards. They feature varying grades of rarity.
- Grinder - A machine that combines 3 items of the same rarity, conforming to a recipe, to potentially create higher quality items. Moonstones can be added to most Grinder combinations, ensuring the best possible outcome for the items used, including a chance of adding a Luneshine bonus to the created weapon.
- Inspection - During co-op games, players can inspect one another, bringing up a copy of their friend's ECHO log to see what items they have equipped, which skills they are specced into, and their Badass Rank rewards.
- Luneshine - An additional bonus that weapons may possess, with a chance of appearing on weapons contained within Moonstone Treasure Chests or on Moonstone-ground Grinder combinations.
- Moonstone - Used as a currency for the Black Market, the Grinder, and Moxx-tails, and 40 can be used to unlock Moonstone Treasure Chests for high-quality loot.
- Moxx-tails - Special drinks that can be bought using Moonstones from Mad Moxxi's Up Over Bar, granting various substantial buffs that last for 30 minutes.
- One Point Wonders - "Game changer" skills that can change available options and gameplay styles while only requiring a single skill point investment.
- Oz Kits - Small, shoulder mounted pieces of equipment that stop Vault Hunters from suffocating when outside of an atmosphere and allow them to perform "double jump" air boosts and "butt-slam" attacks as long as their limited oxygen supply isn't depleted. Replaces the relic equipment slot from Borderlands 2.
- Pandora's moon is named Elpis after the Greek personification and spirit of hope, the only thing that wasn't freed from Pandora's Box.
- The songs that play over the introductory cutscene are Black Dragon, and (briefly) Goodbye, both by The Vines.
- The song that plays over the end credits is What Makes A Good Man? by The Heavy.
See Also[]
External Links[]