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The Black Hole is a Legendary shield manufactured by Maliwan. Black Hole is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source, but has an increased chance to drop from Foreman Jasper located in Opportunity.

Special Shield Effect

You are the center of the universe. – Pulls nearby enemies towards the wearer when its shield charge is depleted, then explodes in a huge nova. Increased damage and range, always shock element.

Usage & Description

The Black Hole is a very versatile, strategic shield, and when using it it is important to keep in mind your position on the battlefield. Its singularity effect is very useful for drawing in enemies for a second wind, and can often kill common enemies in a single blast.

The Black Hole's singularity can also be used to break enemy attack patterns, drag enemies out of cover and wipe them out with a combination of nova and gunfire before they recover completely from the stun effect, making it a viable offensive shield as well.

However, it is advisable to have a good health rating, otherwise, any badass-or-higher enemies that survive the nova can kill you,especially as you have no shield. A Vitality Relic or Blood of the Seraphs is recommended.


  • The Black Hole pulls enemies towards the wearer when fully depleted. This, combined with one of the highest nova damages in the game, makes it very helpful when fighting mobs.
  • The Black Hole can spawn with a Maliwan capacitor, granting the "Grounded" prefix and shock immunity to its wearer. It cannot spawn with resistance against any other element.
  • This shield can be extremely effective when used by a Mechromancer investing heavily in the Little Big Trouble tree (specifically Wires Don't Talk, Electrical Burn and Myelin) and Blood Soaked Shields. Once the shield is depleted, the singularity effect will momentarily stun most enemies in the area while pulling them in for its deadly nova blast. A single kill will then recharge the shield to full capacity, immediately readying another nova. This strategy is particularly deadly under heavy fire, where the shield will be depleted almost immediately after being recharged.
    • The Black Hole also makes a good shield for Deathtrap with Gaige's Sharing is Caring skill, because the singularity will pull enemies into Melee range for Deathtrap.
  • The Black Hole is also an excellent choice for Krieg as he can simply enter Buzz Axe Rampage when the shield depletes and pulls his victims to him, allowing him to easily finish off his enemies without having to run up to nearby enemies since they will be pulled toward Krieg.

See also
