Bigg Thumppr is a legendary shield manufactured by scavs in Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Special Weapon Effect[]
That's going to leave a mark. – Massive roid bonus with extended recharge delay. Recharging causes health damage to the character based on the amount of bonus roid damage dealt.
Usage & Description[]
Bigg Thumppr is a powerful maylay shield with a dangerous side effect, leaving its wearer vulnerable at the end of a melee encounter. It should be used in conjunction with an effective method of restoring health.
Seriously injured characters wearing Bigg Thumppr may prefer to eschew melee combat, even with a depleted shield, in the interest of not taking further self-damage.
- Bigg Thumppr uses the same material as the Avalanche.
- A hotfix issued starting from November 11, 2014, re-balanced both this shield and The Shooting Star, severely reducing the roid damage bonus of each shield. Bigg Thumppr's roid damage at level 50 after the hotfix is approximately 11,000; before the hotfix, it averaged 78,000 roid damage.
- The self-damage will never cripple the wearer.
- Wilhelm's Divert Power is dangerous in combination with this shield, as it can leave him at 1 health (from self-damage at the Divert Power 30% health threshold) and only partially restored shield capacity, all while canceling the shield's Roid bonus. The next strike from an enemy will then cripple Wilhelm if that strike penetrates the partial shield.
- The Bigg Thumppr was first discovered as a glitch in the Loot the World app shortly after it was released.