Your gun is good, but mine is better! – Fires a total of 6 rockets in three bursts within a single trigger pull. Consumes only 1 rocket per shot.
Usage & Description[]
Due to its extremely efficient ammo consumption and high projectile count, the Berrigan is useful in a wide range of situations. It may be useful in some situations for getting second winds; it is important to note, however, that the Berrigan suffers a burst fire delay between trigger pulls that is actually longer than the time the weapon takes to fire the burst, which could seriously hamper its ability to quickly revive a player.
The Berrigan has a very similar special effect to the Scav-manufactured Badaboom. The Badaboom, however, has a larger magazine, higher damage, and no burst fire delay, leaving the Berrigan with only somewhat superior reload speed and a free-shot effect that the Badaboom doesn't have.
Level artist Brad Sierzega named the Berrigan in memory of a close friend who had passed away before the completion of Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.[1]