“Look out, everybody, things are about to get awesome!”
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Badass P5YCH0s are large, dangerous software Bandit units encountered in the Claptastic Voyage DLC from Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel.
Badass P5YCH0s are large, dangerous versions of P5YCH0s which have significantly more health than their smaller counterparts. Their left-hand arm is stunted and small, but their right arm which they use for melee attacks is large.
Their main melee attack in particular is sufficient to destroy the shields of even overlevelled Vault Hunters, so letting them into melee range is not advised. Like their smaller counterparts, they will also occasionally throw an axe from a distance, which is similarly devastating if it lands.
- In True Vault Hunter Mode, they are renamed Super Badass P5YCH0, and in Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode, they are renamed Ultimate Badass P5YCH0.