Borderlands Wiki

The Baby Maker is a Legendary Submachine Gun manufactured by Tediore. Baby Maker is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Madame Von Bartlesby located in Tundra Express as well as Mad Dog in Lynchwood.

Special Weapon Effects

Who's a widdle gunny wunny!!! – Thrown weapon spawns a "child grenade" upon exploding, an identical but smaller version of the original gun that explodes again. Very rarely it will spawn a second or third projectile.

Usage & Description

The special weapon effect of the Baby Maker only enhances the reload projectile, making the strategy of reloading often and early for the enhanced damage an effective strategy. With the MIRV-like explosion effect, the reload projectile of the Baby Maker is superior against multiple enemies in tight areas, where the second projectile is less likely to stray and more likely to land on or near an enemy.

When the reload projectile detonates from hitting an enemy directly, the child grenade may often be given a trajectory into the same enemy, where it will immediately explode right when it spawns. This immediate second explosion occurs often, and is a deadly quality of the Baby Maker. With this bonus, an early reload from the Baby Maker is an excellent weapon against badass or boss enemies.


  • When the thrown gun explodes, the sound of a Varkid's cry can be heard.
  • A trail of pink or light blue digistruct light follow the spawned child grenades.
    • Light blue is commonly used for boys and pink for girls, shortly after being born.

