Borderlands Wiki
For the enemy mechanic, see Damage#Armor.
TTWL Armor intropic

Armor is a type of gear in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands.
Armor provides Fatemakers with additional powers. They can provide additional Class Power, Skill Points, and Stat buffs. Armor acts like Class Mods but unlike the Borderlands Class Mods they do not just boost one specific character, they can boost multiple classes.

Armor is made by Valora, Kleave, and Swifft and comes in various rarities.


The higher the rarity tier the more powerful armor is as more Skill Points and Stat Boosts it provides.

Rarity Buffs
Common 1 Secondary Stats
Uncommon 1 Class Power, 1 or 2 Secondary Stats
Rare Up to 3 bonus Skill Points, 1 Class Power, 2 or 3 Secondary Stats
Epic Up to 5 bonus Skill Points, 2 Class Powers, 2 or 3 Secondary Stats
Legendary Up to 5 bonus Skill Points, 2 Class Powers, 3 Secondary Stats, Legendary Effect

Epic and Legendary rarity Armors get 5 Bonus Points that are distributed randomly. A Skill's maximum Bonus Points depend on its original maximum, i.e a skill with max 3 points can receive up to 3 bonus points.

Epic and Legendary Armor come with a Primary and Secondary Class Power, that are distinct. Primary Class Power is always 2x the Secondary Class Power.

Armor can have 2 or 3 out of 19 Passive Stat modifiers that are always distinct, ie each individual Passive Stat modifier can only spawn once.

Character Classes are being distributed between Light, Medium, and Heavy armor types. Each type has a dedicated type of armor.

Armor Type Armor Title Character Class
Light Vestments Graveborn and Spellshot
Medium Leather Stabbomancer and Spore Warden
Heavy Plate Clawbringer and Brr-Zerker

Appearance of Unique and Legendary armor depends on the primary class it spawns with. Therefore, there are 3 visualy different variants of the same title.

Naming Conventions[]

Armor's full name follows this format:

Prefix 1 - Prefix 2 - Title - Suffix

Common class armors never spawn with a Prefix.
Uncommon, Rare, and Unique rarity armors spawn with Character Class name as a Prefix 1.
Epic, and Legendary - Combination of 2 Character Classes

Prefix 1 comes from combination of Character Classes:

Primary Character Secondary Character
Brr-Zerker Clawbringer Graveborn Spellshot Spore Warden Stabbomancer
Brr-Zerker N/A Warrior's Draugr's Viking Ranger's Gladiator's
Clawbringer Commander's N/A Inquisitor's Paladin's Cavalier's Battlemaster's
Graveborn Reaver's Dragon Knight's N/A Lich's Ghostlight's Cultist's
Spellshot Wild Mage's Warcaster's Warlock's N/A Alchemist's Trickster's
Spore Warden Hunter's Elementalist's Druid's Bombardier's N/A Pathfinder's
Stabbomancer Swashbuckler's Dueslist's Assassin's Spellsword's Ambusher's N/A

Prefix 2
Only Epic and Legendary rarity variants may spawn with the Prefix 2 as follows:

Prefix 2 Class Combination
Frayed Vestments 2x Light Armor Character Classes
Fine Vestments 1 Light + 1 Medium Armor Character Class
Grand Vestments 1 Light + 1 Heavy Armor Character Class
Boiled Leather 2x Medium Armor Character Classes
Layered Leather 1 Medium + 1 Light Armor Character Class
Reinforced Leather 1 Medium + 1 Heavy Armor Character Class
Adamant Plate 2x Heavy Armor Character Classes
Lightforged Plate 1 Heavy + 1 Light Armor Character Class
Sturdy Plate 1 Heavy + 1 Medium Armor Character Class

Suffixes are determined by combination of up to 3 distinct Passive Stat modifiers, out of the pool of 19. Resulting number of possible suffixes is too high to be covered in this article.

Armor List[]
