Borderlands Wiki

Arid Nexus - Boneyard is an area in Borderlands 2. It is an open expanse of dry, sandy terrain hemmed in by rock walls. Hyperion maintains numerous facilities in the Boneyard, most notably for processing Eridium so there are also a number of Slag pools in the area.


Points of Interest[]

Eridium Pump Stations[]

Eridium Pump Station 1, Eridium Pump Station 2, Eridium Pump Station 3 hold the pressure in Hyperion's Eridium pipeline. A visit to these technological facilities is mandatory during the Data Mining story mission. There is a red chest at #3 but a grenade jump may be required to reach it.

Hyperion Truth Network[]

Hunter Hellquist's elevated broadcasting station, a small structure seen in the side mission This Just In.

Loader Maintenance Depot[]

At this small industrial site, one of the ECHOs marked in the Get to Know Jack side mission can be found.

Transmix Regulator Station[]

To enter this area you must go in the smashed pipe from the story mission Data Mining. The area has two balconies and usually contains more Hyperion Soldiers than normal. It is also the entrance to Arid Nexus - Badlands.


The following missions take place partially or entirely within the 'Arid Nexus - Boneyard' area:



  • As of the PC Update 1.2.0, the red chest found in the pipe under the Transmix Regulator Station has been changed to a white chest. This same chest is also lootable through vent slats after reaching the small room at the end of the damaged Eridium pipeline.
  • The lift to the Hyperion Truth Network sometimes does not operate.*
  • Directly east of the section of pipeline one enters, there is a large cave. Nothing ever spawns from it, however.


  • Arid Nexus - Boneyard appears to be the out of bounds area from Borderlands, which could be viewed below the Arid Badlands.


en:Arid Nexus - Boneyard
