Borderlands Wiki

Annie, Tribute of Lynchwood is a respawnable badass-class enemy fought in The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler.


Annie, Tribute of Lynchwood is one of the tributes alongside Garret representing Lynchwood in Torgue's "Hunger for Violence Extravaganza" and is paid to kill the Vault Hunter. She has a chance to spawn on repeat fights against the Wattle Gobbler.



  • Annie prefers to stay at long range, utilizing her sniper to shoot the Vault Hunter.
  • Her attacks include:
    • Shooting a sniper rifle
    • Punch at melee range
    • Throwing grenades


  • As with all the female tributes, she has no voice lines.
  • Annie is named after Annie Oakley, a sharpshooter who starred in Buffalo Bill's Wild West show.