Borderlands Wiki

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The Jakobs family has been assembling quality firearms for over 300 years, and although the world has changed quite a lot since Montgomery's grandfather bolted on the sandalwood grip of the company's first revolver, our family tradition and commitment to building a superior product is still as true as ever. The employees at Jakobs may not all share the same last name anymore, but we're still family. And we want you to join us. When you invest in a Jakobs, you're not only getting the most powerful firearm money can buy; you're also joining the biggest family of satisfied gun owners the world over. Whether you're shouldering one of our renowned rifles or staring down the barrel of one of our timeless pistols, you can be sure each and every shot packs the reliability and strength that only a Jakobs can offer.
— Prezentacja towarów Jakobs, Official Borderlands Guide

Jakobs to producent broni w Borderlands, znany ze swoich drewnianych kolb i klasycznego, westernowego designu broni z długimi uchwytami i smukłymi profilami.


Jakobs specjalizuje się w produkcji klasycznych broni z drewnianymi kolbami. Ponieważ drewno jest drogie, każda broń jest robiona ręcznie i jest bardzo wysokiej jakości co powoduje, że zadaje większe obrażenia niż inna broń na tym samym poziome producenta.